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DIY World Market Wood and Glass Sign

Over at From My Front Porch To Yours Pamela was looking for a way to recreate the Wood and Glass Pie Sign from the World Market since she couldn’t find it in her local store and wasn’t willing to pay the cost of nine shipping until it was out of stock. Luckily from Pamela she had some old frames laying around that her mom had gotten at an estate sale. If you don’t have any extra frames you can always buy some from your local dollar store for cheap.

In order to create her DIY World Market wood and glass sign she started by using PicMonkey to create a stylized print out of the text she wanted to transfer and then traced it onto her glass using a black paint marker. You should note that the text needs to be backwards. By doing this you can trace the text onto the back of the glass and have it face the correct way from the front. Also, Pamela originally attempted to trace the text using a sharpie and found that it was too streaky and therefore suggests you skip right to the paint marker. Ultimately the project cost her around $10 to complete.

This is the World Market sign that inspired her DIY version.

Screen Shot 2015-02-08 at 11.40.20 PM

Pamela’s DIY World Market wood and glass sign:


For the complete DIY you can go to the original post.

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DIY Wood Sign

Thursday 6th of April 2017

[…] DIY World Market Wood and Glass Sign […]

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