Living in an older home with smaller rooms, Shannon from So Pretty is as Pretty Does has one place to put her bed, and that’s in front of the window. A search online turned up some great headboard options that would still allow light into the room, but they all came with hefty price tags. Instead of breaking the bank, Shannon started a full-on Craigslist search that landed her a headboard with the openness and detail she desired. A few coats of paint, and Shannon says she loves her one-of-a-kind piece even more than her inspiration!
Shannon was inspired by the Morocco Headboard from West Elm.
Find the details at So Pretty is as Pretty Does.
Memorial Day | So pretty is as pretty does.
Monday 27th of May 2013
[...] quick side note: I’m so happy (and flattered) that Knock Off Decor featured my West Elm inspired headboard last week. Thank you, [...]