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Sew Your Own Kids Floor Cushions

After sharing Charlotte’s handmade pouf this morning, I wanted to give Susan from Living with Punks another moment in the spotlight.

I featured the floor cushions she created for her wee ones almost three years ago when KOD was just a baby.

Oh me oh my… her fabric choices simply blow the inspiration right out of the water!

diy floor cushion

diy floor cushion 2

Susan was inspired by these retired floor cushions from The Land of Nod.

Go to Living With Punks to see the full tutorial.

Sharing is Caring!


Wednesday 18th of May 2011

This is definitely on my "WILL-do" list. I just can't live without at least one of these in every room that requires sitting (excluding the bathrooms and kitchen...). My kids will LOVE them. Thank you!


Friday 14th of January 2011

I love it!!!!! Thanks for posting this idea!

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