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DIY Mantel Ladder

Do you change out the decor on your mantel or on a specific shelf in your home? If you do, then you’re probably always looking for unique ways to incorporate objects for a new look as the seasons change. Ashley from cherishedbliss shares her design for a mini wood ladder that can be used as a decorating tool throughout the year.

Her tutorial includes a complete supply list as well as a cut list for the wooden pieces. Ashley emphasizes that because this is purely a decorative item, you don’t have to invest in the most costly wood for the project. Once the construction was complete, Ashley used a walnut stain on the ladder and allowed it to dry before proceeding with the next step. White paint is then dry brushed over the stain, and sandpaper is used to create a distressed look. This little gem has so many decorating possibilities, you’ll find that you want to use it all year.

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