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Christmas Bulb Tillandsia Terrarium

Nellene from Stylebaggage  created her own Tilland­sia habitat inside of a clear, plastic Christmas ornament. Tillandsia are air plants that absorb water through their leaves, so Nellene instructs to simply leave the container open and drop a little water onto its leaves each week with a straw. These little terrariums could be placed on a tabletop or hung with twine by a window with bright, filtered light.

Tillandsia Terrarium

Nellene was inspired by the Shane Powers Hanging Glass Bubble Collection from West Elm.

Shane Powers Hanging Glass Bubble Collection

Read the full tutorial at Stylebaggage.

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Tuesday 20th of September 2011

Thanks for featuring my diy terrarium! I love your blog...very practical during these hard economic times for those of us with high end taste but tight budgets!

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