Jessica from The Girls In Grey created a gray velour tufted modern headboard for her master bedroom. This is a project that her dad worked on with her.
Her original inspiration came from the West Elm Diamond Tufted Headboard which retails between $349 and $599 depending on size.
Go check out The Girls in Grey for the full tutorial.
Saturday 16th of April 2011
gorgeous and awesome job!!!
Kristy Swain
Saturday 26th of March 2011
Looks awesome!
Friday 25th of March 2011
Just a head's up that there is no link to this one. Thanks! This is one of the blogs that I just have to check out on a daily basis-so much inspiration.
Friday 25th of March 2011
Thanks for letting me know Gina! It is updated.
Friday 25th of March 2011
what is the link?