When adding shelves to your home, the choices on the market usually include some type of bracket that bears the look of an old Victorian home or modern garage. The current trend of using galvanized pipe in decorating seems to be inspiring the modern farmhouse decor. Lynette, from Cleverly Simple, used galvanized pipe in a shelving project for her farmhouse kitchen.
She avoided the standard metal bracket design, which would not have fit well in her update. Instead, she opted for the industrial galvanized pipe after seeing designs on Pinterest. Lynette explains why she cut the flange portion in half because she did not want to look up and see a gap. She goes on to say that yours would not need the same cut unless your shelves are hanging very high in the room.
With pictures from the hardware store of the supplies, she shares how she painted them and hung them. The shelves look great and bring a modern appeal into her farmhouse.