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Thrift Store Cabinet to Card Catalog Style Cabinet

Tami from Curb Alert says she sure loves high-end décor, but her budget just doesn’t have room for those high-end prices.

Thus, her love for “anything and everything Knockoff” was born. She says, “ With a little bit of creativity you can just about imitate anything.”

And Tami showed just how creative she is by transforming a two-door cabinet from the thrift store into an absolutely stunning card catalog style cabinet.

Tami shares how she got the look of the all those little drawers buy cutting and staining wood pieces and gluing them to the front. Genius!

You’ve got to check out the before and after to appreciate Tami’s handiwork with this one!

diy card catalog cabinet

Tami was inspired by this vintage card catalog seen via Dysfunctional Designs.

distressed vintage card catalog

Check it out at Curb Alert.

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