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Floral Party Banner Printable

Laura of Hand Me Down Mom Genes was strolling through Anthropologie when she saw an adorable botanical party banner.

She was inspired to create her own printable with a similar pretty floral design that includes the entire alphabet and numbers.

Simply print the desired letters and/or numbers, punch a hole in the top, string them together, and you’ve got a custom party garland complements of Laura!

flower letter banner free printable

This was a great idea that Laura took it upon herself to create her own printable banners. Let’s face it, it’s so easy to print something like this that it doesn’t make sense to spend the extra money.

Even using cardstock, it won’t cost you much at all. Plus, we all have hole punches on hand. Just have plenty of ink!

Downloadable files?

So, Laura talks about how she provides the same files she used in her glam photos. She even gives download instructions and a link at the bottom of her page.

But here’s the heads up…once you download the .zip, you’ll get three folders. None of them actually contains the rounded floral templates she talks to on her page.

This is probably okay, because at the very least Laura has inspired us to do our own.

It’s not that hard…

In fact, all Laura did was go to to find her pretty floral graphics and designs. You can insert these into Word or Google Docs (or you favorite photo editor) and create to your liking.

Now back to her download. Yes, she does provide some files. And in fat they might just be useful for other occasions and purposes.

For example, Laura provides the file below for menu planing. She also has what looks to be stationary and note templates. Everything is really pretty.


Laura was inspired by the Botanical Party Garland from Anthropologie. Again, unless you don’t mind forking out the money for the “branded” version these can easily be put together by you, yourself and your printer!

botanical party garland

Check out Laura’s site and grab the free printable files she provides at Hand Me Down Mom Genes.

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Floral Party Banner Printable - The Home Decor DIY

Monday 18th of May 2015

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