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Triangle Paper Mobile

Erica from Dwell Beautiful had noticed beautiful bohemian mobiles popping up in designer stores and online boutiques. Thinking that a bohemian mobile might be the perfect accessory to her home, Erica set out to make her own! She purchased a booklet of floral scrapbooking paper and painstakingly cut out hundreds of tiny triangles. She described the project as time-consuming, but perfect for when you really want to binge on your new favorite TV show.  Using metallic string and an embroidery hoop, she created a unique and whimsical mobile that would be the perfect addition to a nursery or to add visual interest in a large space. This project could be personalized to your decor by using different colors of scrapbooking paper or by spray painting the embroidery hoop in a bright color!

This is Erica’s finished mobile.


You can read the full tutorial in Erica’s guest post over at Bless’er House

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Friday 24th of June 2016

Hi! I did this with butterflies made from the paper and ribbons from a baby shower...came out adorable.

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