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Junk Metal Pulley Lamp

There is no question that Donna of Funky Junk Interiors lives up to her blog’s name. She has an amazing knack for taking legitimate junk and making it funky and fun and just plain awesome! With the help of an artist/welding friend, Donna created this crazy cool, functioning lamp out of a collection of metal odds and ends. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a lamp with more character. Donna says it’s perfect for her “junk inspired home!”

junk lamp

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Inventor’s Bell Jar Lamp

I can’t help but get excited when I come across a knock-off that’s totally unique and fun, and this lamp from Jessica at Mad In Crafts is all that and more! Jessica designed her “steampunk-style, industrial accent lamp” using a secondhand bell jar from Goodwill and metal odds and ends from her local Habitat for Humanity ReStore. She spent  only $20 on materials, which is a far cry from the $1298 price tag of her inspiration!

bell jar lamp

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Pipe and Wood Lamp

Janel from Nellie Bellie really blew me away with this unique lamp she created from pipes, wood spindles, and, of course, time and patience. Not only does it look amazingly like the inspiration, but the price difference is quite astounding ($86 versus $2,800). You can barely buy a lamp and shade from Target for the cost of Janel’s eye-catcher. Talk about making a statement!

anthro inspired pipe lamp

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