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Silver Starburst Mirror

I am thrilled to have Mrs. Polly Rogers back with another of her fabulous and frugal creations, and let me say that her starburst mirror is a true lesson in thriftiness! The secret ingredient here is bendy straws that Polly painted silver and attached to an inexpensive round mirror. Polly says, “This project is fast, cheap, and easy but DRAMATIC and stands up to the closest scrutiny.”


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Silver Leaf Tree

No one would ever guess the origin of the leaves on this metallic tree created by Mrs. Polly Rogers! Surprisingly, the classy silver leaves began as lowly brown toilet paper rolls. Here’s what Polly has to say about her new tree: “It’s a perfect centerpiece for events, parties, weddings, and decor.  It’s easy to make, and your friends will never guess the humble beginnings for your new decor!”


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