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Chalkboard Dresser

This dresser from Connie at Sensible Redesign takes chalk art to a whole new level! After being inspired to make over an entire dresser with chalkboard paint, Connie added some festivity with chalk drawings similar to those seen in RH Baby & Child’s holiday catalog. This is a fun and easy way to change out your décor with the seasons or just when you are in the mood for something new.

chalkboard dresser

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Painted Garden Stool

If  you ever shop at Ballard you have undoubtedly seen their ceramic garden stools that make lovely little side tables. On a thrifting expedition with the girls, Myra from My Blessed Life scored a pair of oriental garden seats for only $14 – for the pair! She gave them a sleek, crisp look with some white spray paint and had herself the spitting image of Ballard’s garden seat. Seriously, can you get over the fact that they have EXACTLY the same pierced detail? Craaazy!

ballard knock off garden stool

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