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Refabbed Frame with Mirror Matting

A mirrored frame mat? Like Angelica from My Dear Irene, you may be thinking you’ve seen all kinds of matting but never one that looks like a mirror. Angelica loved the idea so much she made her own with Looking Glass spray paint. Angelica actually sprayed right on the glass, simply leaving the middle where the picture goes unpainted. Angelica says thanks to a little trick of her own the unpainted portion came out perfectly. Would you ever believe that crystal clear reflection came from a can?!?

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Spray Your Way to a Mercury Glass Lamp

While on a recent trip, Debbie from One Day at a Time ventured out on a little shopping adventure while her husband was napping and just so happened to land a set of glass lamps for only $5.99 a piece on closeout. Talk about a steal! Sure, the clear glass was pretty, but Debbie had a different look in mind for the lamps and broke out the Looking Glass paint. The open bottoms made them the perfect candidates for Debbie’s faux mercury glass technique, as evidenced by the beautiful results!

faux mercury glass lamp

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