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Simple Toy Box with Safety Lid

With the help of Ana White’s plans, Jaime from That’s My Letter built this simple, modern toy box with inset sides and a personalized lid. And let me just say this baby covers all the bases when it comes to safety with a child safe closure that holds its position and a cut-out in front so no little fingers get pinched!  The lumber and hardware cost less than half of the retail price, making this DIY version a beautiful and budget-friendly option.

diy toy box

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Build a Potting Table for Spring

Now that it’s spring I know many of you with a green thumb are chomping at the bit to get outside to the garden. Susan from Between Naps on the Porch has always wanted a potting table, and when she realized it could also double as a serving table for outdoor parties she was sold all over again. Susan got to work planning her build, and here’s the cool part – this is her very first woodworking project! She says she didn’t even know how to use a drill! If you are as impressed and inspired as I am, the good news is that Ana White drew up the plans so you can also build your own potting bench for spring!


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DIY Interchangeable Lemonade Stand, Market, Bakery, and More!

Jen from House of Wood built this knockoff Land of Nod play stand using plans from Ana White for her two favorite 3-year-old girls for Christmas last year. Needless to say, the pre-schoolers absolutely loved it! And what’s not to love? It’s a “lemonade stand, farmers market, theater, post office, bakery… even a Psychiatric Help booth a la Charlie Brown” all rolled into one. Like Jen says, “The girls are only limited by their imaginations!”

diy kids play stand

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Rustic Plank Dining Room Table

For their new 18-foot long dining room, Whitney from Life in the Barbie Dream House  and her husband knew they needed a long rustic table to fill the space. They immediately fell in love with the planked dining room tables from Restoration Hardware and the cream colored linen chairs they paired with them. Then they saw the price tags, which range from $2,500 – $4,000! Woof! So Whitney sent her handy hubby several photos of different plank tables from the store’s catalog, and he created this for under $150!

planked wood dining table

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