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Pull-Down Laundry Drying Rack

Kate from Centsational Girl created her own laundry room drying rack for hanging delicate clothing and other personal items that will remain nameless (wink, wink). This really is a must-have item for a laundry room. Not only is it more stylish than a freestanding drying rack, but it also takes up way less space. I love how Kate added little knobs to the bottom of her version.

laundry drying rack final_thumb[5]

Kate’s inspiration came from the Beadboard Drying Rack from Ballard Designs.

Head to Centsational Girl for the full tutorial.

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Custom Drying Rack

Wednesday 11th of April 2012

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Friday 13th of January 2012

Weird that I stumbled across this tonight as I was just thinking yesterday of making something like this since I'm always having to dry clothing and have to take down and set up that portable one. Love the way it looks with those knobs!


Thursday 6th of October 2011

SOOO excited i stumbled on this!!! I wanted the one from ballard but couldn't justify purchasing it. Aha! Now i will have one!

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