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Multifunctional Plyometric Box

For those of you into jump training for your workouts, this box is for you. As a side note, this box is not for me, as I would surely miss the box and land on the floor in a heap. But, for those that are much more athletic, Pete from Projects with Pete, will help you make your own Plyometric Box.


The concept is versatile, easy to transport, and best of all sturdy. Pete explains that the cost is minimal if you already own the tools and only need the wood and the screws. His instructions and pictures show you step by step how to build the box with inside supports. The three sided design will aid in your workouts as you progress from one level to the next. Pete shows in his picture that it can indeed support him.

This is a must for anyone planning on jumping onto the box, which, by the way, will not be me. Be sure to follow Pete’s instructions so that you too can jump onto your box for an intense workout.

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