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Here Are the Hottest Current Kitchen Color Trends

trending color

What do both Bruce Willis and Lady Gaga both love?

Kitchens! Specifically, the kitchens in their homes.

You’ll find both of these stars name’s on America’s top 20 list, for celebrity kitchens.

Following the latest kitchen color trends, each space has a completely different feel.

Lady Gaga has a classic and inviting kitchen, that even has a cute chandelier.

One of the reasons this space is so warm and welcoming is because of the colors she chose.

Gentle yellow undertones and creamy white walls make her kitchen a place you want to spend time in.

Bruce Willis’s kitchen, however, has a different effect. His stark white walls create a futuristic look, making his kitchen instantly modern.

It’s exciting to imagine having a kitchen that expresses who you are and what you’re all about.

Whether you prefer a traditional kitchen style or a more modern approach, your kitchen should reflect your personality.

You don’t have to be a celebrity to have a kitchen you love.

Simply changing the color scheme can transform your kitchen in an instant.

Read on to learn about the latest trends for kitchen colors.

Kitchen Color Trends Overview

white kitchen

Take a moment to consider, how you want your kitchen to look.

When you’re all done adding in the colors, appliances, counters, and kitchen cabinets, what feeling do you want your kitchen to have?

Once you know what you want your kitchen redecorating project to turn out like, you can start selecting the color scheme.

In this article, we’ll explore how 3 different types of colors can work wonders in your kitchen.

Here are the 3 types of colors we’ll be reviewing:

  1. Warm colors
  2. Neutral colors
  3. Cool colors

First, however, let’s look at the one color you should always avoid painting your kitchen and why.

Steer Clear of Black

We recommend staying away from black as a color for your kitchen, or any interior area.

When used to cover a large area, black colors can make space feel smaller.

Of course, there’s always an exception to every rule though.

Striking stainless steel appliances and a white kitchen island can make black kitchen walls work.

1. Popular Warm Colors

spicy red kitchen

What exactly qualifies as a warm color?

Warm Colors:

  • Red
  • Orange
  • Yellow

Studies show that people who are around warm colors tend to have slightly higher blood pressure.

As a result, their body temperature raises slightly too. The increase in temperature stimulates their appetite and makes them feel hungry.

Spicy Red

Red is one of the boldest warm color choices. This is a color you should choose if you’re feeling adventurous and want to liven up the kitchen area.

To make red work best for your kitchen, you’ll need to choose strong red colors.

Steer clear of muted reds, or gentle rose colors. Instead, go for bright red colors.

Outrageous Orange

Orange kitchen color

Choosing orange means you have to go bold. When you pick strong bold colors your kitchen will have a timeless feel.

Keep in mind that you can blend orange with cool shades too.

Loud Yellow

yellow kitchen

Yellow made the list of popular kitchen color trends because it’s so strong.

Yellow is a lovely shade, however too much bright yellow can make the color appear “loud”.

If you don’t want your kitchen walls to be shouting, try adding just a pop of bright yellow colors.

You can also choose to play it safe by going with white paint that has yellow undertones.

Neutral Colors Are Forever Stylish

gray kitchen

Neutral colors are a wonderful way to create a strong foundation in your kitchen.

Neutral colors:

  • White
  • Beige
  • Gray

If you’re not 100% sure what color scheme you want for your kitchen, neutral colors are a safe place to start.

These safe, classic shades, can lay the base and set the stage.

Over time, you can add in more bold and adventurous colors.

Graceful Grays and Whites

If you’re looking for a classic kitchen appeal, white is the obvious choice.

This crisp, clean, shade, will make your kitchen feel more spacious.

However, sometimes, strictly white kitchens can feel a little too cold.

To keep the clean, crisp appeal of white, without the cold, try adding in gray.

Together, white and gray can complement each other, creating a simple classic look.

Famous Cool Colors

green kitchen

Cool colors are calming and soothing.

Cool Colors:

  • Green, including forest, lime, and sage greens
  • Blue
  • Violet

When you think of these colors imagine a large field of flowers, a flowing river, of a clear blue sky.

These are the colors of nature, the colors of life, the colors of peace.

Cool colors make the kitchen area feel like an inviting oasis. A place where all of your needs can be met.

Science Behind Cool Colors

Studies show that cool colors can lower your blood pressure and slow your breathing.

Also, when you look at a cool color, it doesn’t overpower the room.

Instead, cool colors like blue tend to disappear into the background of a room.

If you’re looking to create the feeling of more space, cool shades are always a great choice. Check out the blue collection from Sherwin-Williams.

Find Your Kitchen Inspiration

Learning about kitchen color trends is exciting! Here at Knock Off Decor, we get just how inspiring it can be to turn a vision into a reality.

Taking a boring room, and turning it into your favorite space, is empowering.

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