Sometimes it’s just time to update the look of a piece of furniture, but who wants to pay the high cost of something when what we already have is still functional? This becomes a case of build or buy for most of us, and Laura from notatrophywife is no exception. Laura shares her technique for transforming her old table, and she also gives us tips on what to avoid.
A genius step on her part was for Laura to place the legs of the table inside oversized soup bowls rather than propping them up. This way, any spills were caught inside the bowls with no danger of paint being spread anywhere else. Laura lightly sanded her table before painting so the paint would adhere correctly. After sanding, she applied a base coat of paint to the entire table and then painted with an off-white paint.
Finally, she applied a coat of sealant since this was going to be her kitchen table and would get plenty of wear.
Thursday 7th of June 2018
Thank you for the feature! I love my table! laura