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Butterfly Shadow Box Art

While looking for affordable accessories for her master bedroom update, Steph from Building This Nest came across a colorful butterfly shadow box from IKEA. At $14.99, it was hardly expensive, but Steph knew it would be simple enough to recreate without a trip to the big blue store. Steph used an Xacto knife to cut out her butterflies, drizzled them with craft paint, and then popped them into a shadow box. I think this would make absolutely darling wall décor for a little girl’s room too!

butterfly shadow box art inspired by ikea

The original inspiration came from IKEA’s Olunda Picture.

olunda picture

Check out how Steph made it at Building This Nest.

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Saturday 6th of April 2013

Thank you so much for featuring my project!! This just made my day :)


Sunday 7th of April 2013

Yay! Glad I could. :) Feel free to send anymore knock offs my way!

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