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Burlap Matting

Michelle from That Mommy Blog offers a super simple and thrifty update for tired out picture frames. She refabbed an old frame by recovering the matting with burlap using an easy technique that requires only a few snips of the scissors and squirts of hot glue. Since burlap is crazy cheap, you could easily pull off this makeover for next to nothing!

diy burlap matting and upcycled frame

Michelle was inspired by the Multi-Mat Frames from Pottery Barn that include natural burlap mats.

multi-mat frames

Read more at That Mommy Blog.

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Saturday 2nd of February 2013

These are class! A great way to get a rustic look without flinging branches & antlers about :)

Cheers Lori


Sunday 3rd of February 2013

Ha! So true! ;)

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