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Round-Up of the Best Christmas Door Decorations


Decorating the outside of your house can be a fun-filled task. Some people enjoy the simple route of just a few simple lights to hang while other enjoy doing complex and unique designs using decor of all varieties.

Whatever your style, it’s always more fun to do the decorations yourself. And when you have a young family, you can do the decorations with the help of your kids. It’s a great way to introduce your children to arts and crafts while bonding over the spirit of Christmas.

With all the different kinds of DIY decorations out there, it’s hard to choose because so much has so much potential.  So let’s stick to just one area of the outdoors that you can decoriate for Chirstmas. Your front door!

The list below features what we feel are the best Christmas decorations for doors to bring the holiday cheer to your neighborhood and to your family’s hearts.

1. Pine Wreath Decoration

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Nothing beats the classic, which is why we have included the pine wreath decoration. With this idea, you can get the illusion of unmelting snow.

Everyone enjoys the first dusting of snow on the foliage of your lawns.

This decoration would be easy to execute with small children because it’s simple and doesn’t require tools to be done.

You can use a plastic wreath so that you can reuse the decoration. Aside from that, you can also design the wreath with other things like fairy lights.

Fairy lights add a more whimsical feeling and a source of illumination for neighbors.

2. Words are Fire

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If you are a fan of rustic barns or charming farms, then you will enjoy this idea.

It takes the original wreath idea and mixes it with things that are usually associated with winter.

You can use an old pair of ice skates, a vintage sled, or even a vintage lantern to set a rustic vibe.

This is ideal if you have some extra things lying around.

You can repurpose skates that have been outgrown to use for this decoration which gives it a very comforting vibe.

This decoration is relatively easy to do with your family and your children.

3. Winter Sparkle for your Front Door

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This is great for those of you that enjoy the beautiful snowflakes the comes with winter.

The idea is to use acrylic snowflakes and painting them. This idea is fun to execute with kids because its simple and the steps are easy to follow.

Aside from that, it gives you more originality than the usual pine wreath and fairy lights ideas.

This is also great if you enjoy sparkly things but don’t want to use fairy lights to light up your porch.

You can also use this decoration indoors, make sure when you’re doing this idea to watch the glitter.

4. Peppermint Ribbons and Garlands Decoration

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This is a great alternative direction for those of you that don’t want to take the traditional method of pine wreaths.

The idea makes your front porch seem like a gift. Instead of using the traditional wreath, this idea incorporates the use of candy cane decorations and large ornamental balls.

The decoration serves as a symbolism of sweetness and warmth as the candy canes drape over your front porch.

This idea will take some effort, which you can do with your kids. For some, there’s nothing sweeter than a candy cane at the first sign of winter with your neighbors.

5. Grinch Inspired Decorations

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If you’re a fan of Christmas movies, then you may enjoy this idea.

The Grinch is a classic movie about a creature that hates Christmas. After a series of events, he comes to love the holiday and the feelings that come with it.

With this idea, you cannot miss the iconic swirls that we’ve come to know from Dr. Seuss’ characters.

Making the sock is going to be a fun activity to do with your family because you can go wild with the color.

Just don’t forget to include the green color and that you make the sock extra weird.

6. Yarn Ball Wreath

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This is for those of you that enjoy knitting! If you have extra balls of yarn just lying around, you can use them to make your own twist to the classic Christmas wreath.

You can use different sizes to create different textures with the wreath.

The base of the yarn wreath can be purchased and you can easily put it together by using hot glue guns.

This Christmas decoration would be really fun to do with your kids because it doesn’t require any heavy duty tools.

It’s also a good way to get your kids started on arts and crafts.

7. DIY Eucalyptus Wreaths

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This idea recreates another variation of the classic pine needle wreath.

The simple design is elegant and charming when you hang it on your front door.

Aside from that, eucalyptus dries well and gives off a great scent that would welcome your guests as they pass through your front door.

This is easy to make, which is why you can pull together your family to construct the wreath.

It’s always fun to put up decorations together, and with this simple wreath, everyone in your family will be able to participate in putting together the wreath for a magical Christmas decoration.

8. Shutter Santa Sack

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Although traditionally Santa passes through the chimney, he could alternatively take the front door. This idea incorporates recycling old window shutters to give you a different decoration from wreaths.

How you paint the shutter can determine the vibe of the decoration. This will be fun to do with friends but will need some supervision if you’re doing it with small children. If you are a fan of rustic Christmas decorations, you can do this design.

Aside from that, you can achieve rustic vibes without having to go all out with garlands and ribbons. It’s pretty simple, and fun to do.

9. Scandinavian-Style Wreath

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This is a fun wreath for those of you that enjoy embroidery.

The wreath is quite simple and can be done with minimal difficulty.

Since the embroidery hoop is pretty thick, it’s harder to twine branches around, but we suggest adding them in bundles to give the wreath nice foliage.

Like most wreaths, the most important step to making this look good is layering.

When choosing decorations to put on the wreath, make sure that your choices are easy to layer.

With this idea, it’s best to use mini Christmas balls to put over the bundles of pine and ribbons.


Christmas is a time for whimsy, and your front porch shouldn’t be left out of it.

With all the ideas on this list, we feel that these are the best Christmas decorations for doors because of how beautiful and simple they are.

However, the true magic is being able to be with your family when putting up the decorations.

There’s nothing like the satisfaction of decorating your house and then hanging out with everyone in the living room with some hot chocolate.

The warmth that comes with bonding with your family is a feeling that is difficult to recreate.

However, if you are alone this Christmas, that’s no reason to swear off decorations. Putting up decorations provide an eclectic feeling that makes you ponder on the feelings winter brings.

Taking that idea, we hope that this list of the best Christmas door decorations helps you decide which decorations work best.

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