Well, my kiddos went back to school this past week, and I am already accumulating more papers than I know what to do with. Class information sheets, important dates to remember, forms that need to be completed and returned, parent-teacher handbooks… Papers, papers, and more papers! If you have school-age kids, you can probably relate.
Today I am starting a new Saturday series on Knock Off Décor where I will be sharing a few blasts from the past that center around a specific theme. Today? Organizing papers! I hope these ideas get your creative juices flowing over the weekend so you can start the new week with a fresh handle on all those papers.
1. Sort Papers in Wall Pockets
Wall pockets are awesome because they don’t take up any counter or tabletop space. You can assign specific kinds of papers to each pocket or assign a pocket to each child. Would you believe this DIY wall file is made from cardboard?!?
Ballard Designs Inspired Wall Pockets by Nike at Choose to Thrive
2. Pin Papers Up
Get important papers up where you can see them instead of piling them on the counter with a pretty pin board!
Pottery Barn Knock Off Burlap Pin Board from Johnnie at Saved By Love Creations
3. Assign Clipboards
Here’s another idea for eliminating that dreaded stack of papers on the counter – clip them up on a clipboard. I love the idea of assigning each child a clip for school papers.
West Elm Inspired Notice Board by Corey at Tiny Sidekick
4. Write it down and Toss the Papers
A chalkboard is perfect for recording important dates and reminders so you don’t have to hold on to every sheet of paper. Write it on the chalkboard and toss the paper! If you make it magnetic, you can even use magnets to hang papers on the chalkboard.
Vintage Schoolhouse Chalkboard by Melanie at The French Cottage
5. Create a Command Center
Love all these ideas? Combine various components like pin boards, chalkboards, calendars, and wall pockets to create a command center! You can make one for each individual child or the entire family.
PB Teen Knock Off Wall Organizer from Cassie at Hi Sugarplum
What’s your secret weapon for organizing papers in your home?